Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Venture in Dallas

It nice that they going to have a venture in Dallas. People can come down from different place to see all of the park we going to have here.I'am good that dallas is try to make it better community to live. So all the people who wan't to start they own business go in do it in make money. I hope you do wolud on your venture and more in life.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I think my neighbor hood is environment and beliefs. Because every body in my neighbor hood have crazy habitat wildlife climates resources. Ethnicity customs religions morals with tool technology goods services jobs Business Transportation Communications Food, Sohelter, Clothing .Yes because we different in ever way we dont talk the some We have different religions morals. If we have other people move hear from cultures to this neihbor hood it will be good because it will be a lot better then now things can change for the better in the neighbor hood.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How I feel

How I Feel! I think that people and Marriage act need to go to people who not homosexual to help them. Every body have their own mind about there life so. It not right but i can get over it Iam not a homosexual.They just need to let them get marriage and what every esle they want to do.

How I feel about Abortion

How I Feel! They need to think before they start writing things on the Billboard. How they know African American community is through the roof. About abortion we not the own people who get abortion but when white people get abortion it all good for them they give them party. We dangerous place for an African American is in the womb that crazy to me I get so mad it thing like that on a Billboard. I wish I can talk to the preson who came up with that to tell them how I feel.


HEY! My Name is Lykara Shantrice Mitchell. Iam 19 year old in a senior in High School. Iam going to Cosmetology School then College for Business.One day I want to own my own salon in make a lot of money. In School I like been and Sociology class because I can learn about new science.Time of great social up heaval. The Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution. People were moving from farm to factory life losing a sense of community. Ideas of the major ploneers of Sociology will help you better understand what Sociology is today.